Experience Energy!

The interactive exhibition “Experience Energy!” provides engaging insights for all ages, exploring various forms of energy, observing everyday energy use, and offering a glimpse into the energy future of 2050.

Experience Energy!

The “Experience Energy!” exhibition area in the Swiss Museum of Transport is part of the planned exchange between the public, business, research, and politics. The room has an open design in the sense of a laboratory situation and is constantly changing. With the three-year joint initiative “Energy Science for Tomorrow”,  ETHZ, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich; EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne; Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology; PSI, Paul Scherrer Institute, and other partners from science, industry, and society will be providing exhibits and information at the museum.

Energy Days

Join ES4T and partners at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne from October 18-20, 2024, for an unforgettable Energy Days event packed with thrilling family-friendly activities and a dynamic exploration of energy science and the future of energy transition!

Emission Explorer

Get ready for an exciting experience at the Swiss Museum of Transport, where you can discover how simple changes in your habits can make a big impact on cutting greenhouse gas emissions!

Experience Energy!

at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne

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